Visiting the Office
MIT Washington Office
The MIT Washington Office is located at One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 410, Washington, D.C. 20036. Visitors are welcome by appointment – please call 202-789-1828 if you’d like to schedule a visit.
Please check in with security upon arrival. Picture identification is required to enter the building.
Public Transit
Take the Metro red line to Dupont Circle Metrorail station.
Take the Dupont Circle South exit (not the Q Street exit) to 19th Street.
At the top of the escalator, make a U turn and proceed North on 19th street about 50 feet to the south end of Dupont Circle.
Turn left to cross 19th Street, then continue across New Hampshire Avenue.
The MIT Office is located in the National Center for Higher Education building, on the corner of New Hampshire Avenue and Dupont Circle. The crosswalk at 19th Street leads directly to the One Dupont Circle entrance.
Bus routes near the MIT Office include: 42 43 L2 N2 N4
Rail and Bus maps can be found here.
Street parking is available near One Dupont Circle. There are also paid lots located around Dupont Circle.